Below is a list of all of the 5.7 climbs in the Red Springs area of the Calico Basin in Red Rock Nevada and the WTF rating Rick and Stef gave them. There was one What the FUCK in this area.
A downloadable spreadsheet of all the 5.7 climbs completed by Rick and Stef to date (with detailed descriptions) is located on the WTF 5.7 homepage.
A downloadable spreadsheet of all the 5.7 climbs completed by Rick and Stef to date (with detailed descriptions) is located on the WTF 5.7 homepage.
Happy Acres (Wall: Happy Acres) - FUN-K
November Daze (Cut Your Teeth Crag) - FUN Interproximal Stripper (Cut Your Teeth Crag) - FUN Laughing Gas (Cut Your Teeth Crag) - FUN Everywhere (Hide and Seek Crag) - FEISTY Ma and Pa in Kettle (Cannibal Crag) - FUN Cow Lick (Cowlick Crag) - FUN Flying Chuckwalla (Cowlick Crag) - FEISTY RHG Route (Eldo) (Cowlick Crag) - FUN Blind Faith (This Ain't Eldo) (Cowlick Crag) - FUN The Wonderful World of Shrimp (Cowlick Crag) - FAIL Seams Like a Butt (Dickies Cliff) - FRUSTRATING |
Soupy Sales (Moderate Mecca) - FUN
From Soup to Nuts (Moderate Mecca) - FUN Sir Climbalot (Moderate Mecca) - FUN The Route to Mecca (Moderate Mecca) - FEISTY Broad Border (The Fringe) - FEISTY Lean and Languid (The Fox) - FUCK- FORGET ABOUT IT Snake Charmer (Reptile Wall) - FOLIAGE (FUN) Ruta de Roja (Coco Crag) - FEISTY-FUN Ghouls Just Want to Have Fun (Gnat Man) - FUA Bottoms Up (Gnat Man) - FEISTY In Through the Out Door (Riding Hood Wall) - FUCK- FORGET ABOUT IT |
Videos, photos, and write-up for each the climbs and experiences in the Red Springs Area:
- Day 1: Red Springs Area ( Walls: Cut Your Teeth; Hide & Seek; Happy Acres ) - Rick and Stef climb a no-star/ half-star dirty chimney - and loved it! 5 climbs; 6 pitches - What the FUN! What the FUN-K!
- Day 2: Red Springs Area (Walls: Cowlick; Cannibal) - A sporty, top-ropey kinda day - with a bad TR anchor and climb. 6 climbs; 5 pitches (yes, you read that right because there is a What the FAIL!) There are also What the FUN! and What the FIESTY!
- Day 3: Red Springs Area (Wall: Dickies) - Climbing? Frustrating? No, never....well, sometimes. 1 climb; 1 pitch; What the FRUSTRATING!
- Day 5: Moderate Mecca (Red Springs - Moderate Mecca Crag) - Let the battle of the bulge and haikus begin. 4 climbs; 4 pitches; 3 What the FUN; 1 What the FEISTY
- Day 8: The Fringe Crag (Red Springs Area) - We did a 5.7 sandwich this evening to make a one-off climb much more entertaining (one 5.7 climb sandwiched by a 5.10a two-pitch-er which added a nice 120 feet to the 65-foot 5.7 climb). What the FIESTY (This rating excludes the additional climbing - it's only for Broad Border 5.7.) Stef also reflects on some past transgressions.
- Day 9: Reptile Rock and Near The Fox - We have WTF'r #3! And, the quote of the day is "The tree is on!" on a "What the Foliage" climb where a little tiny tree truly is the crux.
- Day 45: Gnat Man - Stef is joined by Tony Ferrar to knock off two 5.7s at off the list. Both of the climbs are nice, one is rated a What the FEISTY! the other is What the FUA! What is FUA, you ask? Well, you just have to see the El Fua video to understand.
- Day 55: Coco Crag: Ruta de Roja is a 200 foot trad climb we rated as What the Fiesty-Fun, because it's a fun climb with one committing spicy section. Check out the details!